Nic Mulila through Safaricom Foundation Spearheads Transformative Philanthropy in Healthcare with 17 Million In Kitui South


In an admirable demonstration of corporate responsibility, the Safaricom Foundation showcased its commitment to community welfare on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

A noteworthy milestone was achieved as the foundation donated a high-level Anaesthesia Machine valued at 3.1 million Kenyan Shillings to the Ikutha Level Four Hospital in Kitui South.

Led by Mr. Nic Mulila, the Chief of Corporate Security Officer at Safaricom, the foundation officials orchestrated a heartfelt handing-over ceremony. The event was attended by local leaders, including Ikutha MCA Hon. Mwandia and Kanziku MCA Hon. Boniface Kimuli, who praised Safaricom’s generosity.

The County Director of Health Services, Mr. Francis Musyoka, along with various county government officials, added their presence to the occasion, emphasizing the collaborative effort between Safaricom Foundation and the Kitui County government.

During the ceremony at Mutomo Mission Hospital, Mr. Mulila announced an additional donation of 14 million Kenyan Shillings dedicated to supporting the hospital’s infrastructural development, further cementing Safaricom Foundation’s commitment to advancing healthcare in the region.

In response, Kanziku MCA Boniface Kimuli, County Assembly Vice Chairperson for Health and Sanitation, extended his appreciation to Safaricom Foundation for their ongoing generosity. The collaboration between the foundation and the local government has proven instrumental in uplifting the healthcare landscape.

Mr. Mulila emphasized his dedication to working closely with leaders and communities to improve livelihoods, a sentiment echoed by various speakers. They lauded Mr. Nicholas Mulila for his sustained collaboration and generosity, positioning Safaricom Foundation as a beacon of hope for improved healthcare infrastructure and community well-being in Kitui County.

As they forge ahead, the foundation’s commitment to creating a lasting impact serves as inspiration for corporate social responsibility across the nation.

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