National Anzauni Patron Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli Advocates Unity and Development on Ngumbau TV Interview”


“Raised from humble beginnings in Misuuni , kalundu in kitui County, his passion for uplifting his people runs deep within him,” the National Anzauni Patron, Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli, in an interview with Ngumbau TV revealed his guarded secret.

Clarifying his intentions, Dr. Muli stated, “I harbor no political ambitions at the moment; my sole focus lies in uniting and aiding my clan on a national scale.

It’s imperative that we utilize our platforms for the betterment of our community, the chairman began his interview with high tone that left many in stitches and mesmerized”

Highlighting the impact of his initiatives, he proudly shared, “Over 1000 women have already benefited from the Kyalo Kya Maendeo Women’s Basketry project, enabling them to earn a minimum of Ksh 3000 weekly. These endeavors exemplify our commitment to seeing our people prosper through unity.”

Challenging existing norms, Dr. Muli urged, “I implore our leaders to transcend partisan divides and prioritize people-centric politics aimed at genuine development and representation.”

Witnessing his impassioned advocacy, residents and leaders alike showered praise on Dr. Muli. “Congratulations, Bwana Kyalo Augustus Muli Kyalo,” exclaimed one social media user, commending his articulate and focused approach during the interview.

In asserting the importance of constructive engagement, Dr. Muli affirmed, “Opposition does not equate to opposition to the government’s agenda. Our duty is to hold the government accountable while ensuring the delivery of its promises to the people.”


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